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International Publishers for THE LUNAR CHRONICLES
Australia: Puffin/Penguin Group
Brazil: Rocco
Bulgaria: Egmont
Catalan Spain: Grup62
China: Beijing Zito Books
Croatia: Algoritam
Czech Republic: Albatros Media
Democratic Republic of Georgia: Palitra L
Denmark: Hoest
Egypt / Arabic: Kayan
Estonia: Pikoprint
France: Pocket Jeunesse
Georgia: Palitra
Germany: Carlsen Verlag
Greece: Patakis
Italy: Mondadori (Oscar Fantastica)
Hungary: Alexandra
Japan: Take Shobo
Korea: Thenan
Indonesia: Penerbit Haru
Iran: Houpaa
Israel: Kinneret
Italy: Mondadori
Latin America: V&R Editoras
Latvia: Zvaigzne ABC
Lithuania: Alma Litera
Mexico: V&R Editoras
The Netherlands : Blossom Books / Kluitman
Norway: Schibsted
Persia: Houpaa
Poland: Papierowy Ksiezyc
Poland: SQN
Portugal: Planeta Manuscrito
Portuguese: Kathartika
Romania: EPICA Publishing House
Russia: AST Publishers
Serbia: Laguna
Slovakia: Aktuell
Spain: Editorial Hidra
Sri Lanka: Sinhala
Sweden: Bonniers Carlsen
Taiwan: Core Culture
Thailand: Muse
Turkey: Artemis
Ukraine: Ranok
United Kingdom: Puffin/Penguin Group
Vietnam: Hoa Hoc Tro

International Publishers for HEARTLESS
Arabic: Jarir Bookstore
Australia: Macmillan UK
Brazil: Rocco
France: Pocket Jeunesse
Germany: Heyne, ArsEditions
Hebrew language – Keter
Hungary: Konyvmolykepzo
Italy: Mondadori Oscar Fantastica
Iran: Houpaa
Korea: content guild H
Latin America: V&R Publishers
Lithuania: Alma Littera
Persia: Houpaa
Poland: Papierowy Ksiezyc
Poland: SQN
Romania: Storia Books
Russia: Astrel Publishers
Spain: Editorial Hidra
Sweden: Modernista
The Netherlands : Blossom Books / Kluitman
Turkey: Artemis
Ukraine: Ranok
United Kingdom: Macmillan UK

International Publishers for RENEGADES
Arabic language: Jarir Bookstore
Australia: Macmillan UK
Brazil: Rocco
Czech Republic: Albatros Media
France: Pocket Jeunesse
Germany: Heyne
Indonesia: Penerbit Haru
Iran: Houpaa
Italy: Mondadori
Latin America: V&R Publishers
The Netherlands: Blossom Books
Persia: Houpaa
Poland: Mag
Portuguese: Kathartika
Russia: AST
Spain: Editorial Hidra
Turkey: Dogan Kitap
United Kingdom: Macmillan UK
Ukraine: Ranok

International Publishers for Instant Karma/With a Little Luck
Australia: Pan Macmillan Australia
Brazil: Rocco
France: Pocket Jeunesse
Germany: Carlsen
Hungary: Könyvmolyképző Publ
Italy: Mondadori (Oscar Fantastica)
Latin America: V&R Publishers
Poland: Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie (Publicat)
Portuguese: Kathartika
Romania: Storia Books
Russia: AST
Spain and Latin America: Editorial Hidra
Turkey: Artemis, Ephesus
Ukraine: Ranok
United Kingdom: Macmillan US (distributors)/Faber Children’s

International Publishers for Gilded/Cursed
Australia/New Zealand – Text Publishing Company
Brazil: Rocco
Czech Republic: Albatros
France: Editions de Saxus
Germany: ARS Edition
Hungary: Könyvmolyképző
Iran (Farsi): Houpaa
Israel / Hebrew: Keter Books
Italy: Mondadori (Oscar Fantastica)
Latin America: V&R
Poland: Helion/BeYA
Romania: Storia Books
Russia: AST
Spain: Hidra
The Netherlands: Blossom Books
Turkey: Ephesus Yayinlari
Ukraine: Ranok
UK: Faber

International Publishers for Serendipity – Ten Romantic Tropes Transformed
Russia: AST
Spain – VR Editoras
Turkey: Artemis
United Kingdom: Faber

Latin America (Spanish language) – Hidra
Brazil: Rocco
Russia – Eksmo Bombora