
4th Quarter Reading List 2013

Happy New Year! I’m wrapping up some loose ends, running some errands, making a plan, and all-around preparing myself for a fantastic 2014… and no doubt a very busy 2014 as well. In 2013, I revised and edited CRESS and wrote the second draft of WINTER. I also wrote one […]

A Real-Life Post: Babies and Adoption!

My husband and I have just made the official announcement to our friends and families, and I wanted to share the exciting news here as well. We are currently in the process of adopting our first child! (!!!!!) Though there are no guarantees with these things, we hope to have […]

Help! Autograph Sayings for CRESS

With only 46 days (!!!) to go before Cress hits stores and I take off on my epic Cress book tour, it’s time for me to start brainstorming the all-important saying that I’ll write in the book during signings.   This is one of those weird things that kind of […]