Good morning and welcome to the 24-Hour Readathon! I’ll be balancing my reading time while also taking part in a massive community garage sale, so… there might not be a whole lot of reading the first part of this day. (Oppositely, it might rain all day, and then I […]
24 Hours of Reading… for Charity!
I interrupt this self-imposed blog hiatus to announce a really cool reading challenge, and your chance to spread some good cheer while burning through your TBR list! WHAT: The Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon THE CHALLENGE: Read for 24 hours. Straight. Too intimidating? That’s okay – just read as much […]
Temporary Blog Hiatus (and a Call for Questions)
I’ve been attempting to drum up my enthusiasm to return to blogging ever since the Cress launch, but I feel my energy slipping more and more each week, as I try to balance Winter and Heartless and a brand new series (!) plus a couple other secret projects (!!), PLUS my […]