In between each draft of a writing project, I make a point of taking some time away from it. I call it a simmering period. (Like making a soup or spaghetti sauce… you need to give it time to simmer so all the flavors can meld together and become delicious… […]
From Idea to Finished, Step 3: The First Draft
At the end of the outlining process, which I discussed in my last blog post, I have in hand an outline that gives me a basic summary of what’s going to happen in the story from scene to scene to scene, and how this story will progress from beginning, through […]
From Idea to Finished, Step 2: The Outline
Writing this blog post is coming at an optimal time, as I’m about to start outlining my superhero story within the next couple of weeks. I’ll be honest. No matter how many books I outline, I always find this part of the process intimidating. Part of me always […]