
Look, a Craft Post!: Creating an Outline with Structure

This blog has been very news- and giveaway-centered over the past few months (which I guess is what happens when there’s always news and giveaways happening!), but I thought I’d spend some time this October talking craft.   It helps that I’ve been outlining my NaNoWriMo project for about six […]

The Great (Lunar Chronicles) Pumpkin Contest: Win an ARC of Scarlet!

It’s time for another contest! Because I got such an amazing reaction to the Flag Design Contest, and because I love Halloween, we’re doing a Halloween-themed contest this time around. And what do Cinderella and Halloween have in common? Pumpkins!   The Mission: Create a Lunar Chronicles-Inspired Pumpkin The Prize: Two lucky winners […]

Cinder Costume Design (Mind. Blown.)

I posted these pictures on Facebook a few weeks ago, but I wanted to share them here, too, because they are jaw-droppingly awesome. A fashion and costume design class at Blackpool and The Fylde College put together an exhibition of costumes – all inspired by CINDER!   If that’s not […]