We’re still talking craft this month in preparation for NaNoWriMo. Today the topic is: outlines! Paul Decker asks: “When outlining, do you make an actual outline word document? If so, how detailed do you get before starting your first draft? Do you have your chapters separated out? About how […]
My Revision Process: How Many Drafts and What Are They All For?
Guess what! I finished Draft #4 of Book 3: CRESS yesterday! It was an all-day extravaganza, but I’m very happy to have it done. That now leaves me with two weeks to complete one additional read-through and make some minor adjustments before I send it off to my agent and […]
Two Lunar Chronicles Halloween Contests Happening Now!
More NaNoWriMo Craft Posts are coming up later this week, but for now I wanted to make sure you all knew about two Halloween contests that are going on right now, both with chances to win Scarlet ARCs! 1. The Cinder Costume Contest You all know how I […]