Calling all Writers, Costumers, Illustrators, and General Lunartics! Thanks to the success and enthusiasm from last year’s TLC Ship Weeks, it’s happening again. In fact, it’s happening TWICE this year.
Let the shipping commence!!
Here is some info straight from the Ship Weeks Tumblr:
A Ship Week is a specified week where fans draw/write/etc and submit pieces for a particular pairing. Ship Weeks of course implies more than one week of such festivities.
In other words, it’s a multi-week extravaganza where hundreds of TLC fans gather together to create, share, gush, swoon, discuss, and fangirl/fanboy over our beloved characters!
The second annual The Lunar Chronicles Ship Weeks will take place in two parts:
I. Mini-Ship Week will be the week leading up to the release of Winter from Sunday, November 1 to Saturday, November 7, 2015. Themes will be given for each of the 7 days; submit pieces for whichever ships you’d like!
Your themes are as follows:

II. The full Ship Weeks event will take place on Sunday, December 27, 2015 to Saturday, January 30, 2016, the 5 weeks before the release of Stars Above. It will feature the following ships and the corresponding themes (to be determined) for Days 2, 4, and 6 of each week:
Winter x Jacin
Cress x Thorne
Scarlet x Wolf
Cinder x Kai
Submit any type of piece you want! Fanart, fanfiction, edits, quotes, headcanons, videos, music, cosplays, etc.
Don’t have time to go all out? That’s okay! We accept sketches, ficlets, or anything else you’d like to contribute!
Can’t draw? Can’t write? Can’t come up with any ideas? We hope that you’ll still participate by sharing and commenting on other people’s submissions! Feedback is always appreciated. Let’s be the best fandom ever!
Don’t use Tumblr or DeviantArt? We’re working to bring you TLC Ship Weeks on other social media platforms (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) Suggestions and volunteers are welcome!
QUESTIONS? Check out the FAQ page for more info.